It gets like that in Indiana on occasion. It never did in New Mexico though.
Chris Crawford
Fine Art Photography
Fort Wayne, Indiana
260-747-3962 My portfolio My latest work!
On 3/29/09 5:56 PM, "Moose" <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Chris Crawford wrote:
>> It is never too foggy to photograph. That's the best time!
> I like to shoot when it's overcast or somewhat foggy. Some fog with
> beams of light coming through is gorgeous. I like the way things seem to
> float between being there and not in fog.
> On the other hand, I'd guess you don't get serious fog there. Then, you
> might just as well put apiece of paper in front of a dim bulb and take a
> shot with it out of focus as bother going out to photograph in the fog.
> Doesn't happen often, but I've driven near where I live when I opened
> the car door and looked down to follow the yellow line. It was the only
> way to drive and stay on the road.
> Moose
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: