I trend to agree with your assessment on the 22mp 35mm DSLR equal medium
format system in resolution but I found the shadow details of DSLR much
better than film as the film grain at shadow is quite serious. Here is a
21MP test shot for reference:
http://www.accura.com.hk/temp/IMG_0917.JPG (7MB)
It was taken with an OM 50/1.4 at F4. Digital is just so.... clean!
BTW, I don't have a good 4000dpi scanner for MF, the sharpness of your 2X
image is good but the scene missing some fine details to check and the image
looks quite grainly. Here is a scan of 645 image with my Epson 4850 at
4000dpi, Film: Velvia 50.
Full resized
http://www.accura.com.hk/temp/O6_002a.jpg (204KB)
100% cropped
http://www.accura.com.hk/temp/O6_002c.jpg (364KB)
I believe a real 4000dpi scanner will do much better.
Oh! I forgot to mention, it was taken with an Olympus Six III A.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Crawford"
>I scan these 6x6 negs at 4000 dpi all the time, and yeah they look grainy
> 100% even with films like Acros that have fine grain. In prints, however,
> the grain isn't visible. I usually don't print huge, 11x11 if I print the
> whole square, or around 11x14 if I crop to a rectangle (equal to 14x14
> square). I've done a few 16x20s and they looked incredible too, beating
> any
> digital camera I have tried (I'm sure the 50mp medium format systems beat
> my
> results; the 22mp ones based on 35mm slrs might equal it, but are out of
> reach financially for me as well).
> That wurlitzer building is cool! I like that shot. I actually found out
> that
> GE has a sign similar to the one in Ft. Wayne (but larger) on one of their
> buildings in Schenectady! Looks just like the one here though.
> I will have to rescan my shot at 1000dpi and see how it looks, I already
> put
> the neg away and went on to scanning some other shots.
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