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Re: [OM] food<>photography,

Subject: Re: [OM] food<>photography,
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2009 15:13:27 -0500
It just occurred to me that a good thing to make the diffuser from might 
be a "clear" plastic polyethelene bottle.  Polyethelene really isn't 
clear but should give you the diffusion you need.  A milk bottle or any 
of several other types you might have around the house would make a good 

Chuck Norcutt

Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Try putting a piece of tissue in front of it.  If you're in a restaurant 
> a layer of paper napkin might make a handy diffuser.  If you're shooting 
> close things like the food on the table the loss of power shouldn't be 
> too significant.  If you've got a buddy or two present have them use 
> another napkin or two to make an impromptu reflector so you can fill 
> some shadows.  A simple diffuser and a single reflector will make a big 
> difference.  Without a buddy even a napkin propped up against some 
> glasses or bottles should help.
> I've never seen such a thing but I'd be surprised if someone somewhere 
> doesn't make a simple sort of diffuser for clipping on to the camera 
> somehow for pop-up flashes.  I just invented one.  How about a piece of 
> white, translucent plastic slightly larger than the open size of the 
> flash head which has an attaching hood made of cloth tape that drapes 
> over the top of the flash and folds around to attach to the diffuser at 
> its sides.  The side pieces could be creased such that they fold inward 
> when the top piece is folded down.  The whole thing should be not much 
> larger than a matchbook and probably thinner when folded up.  Easy to 
> put in your pocket.
> Dr. Flash
> Mike Lazzari wrote:
>>> Looks like the oncamera flash and lens and/or hood cause some  
>>> shadowing. but yum!
>> The flash on the 510 is crap. However it did capture the moment. About 
>> all I can say for it.
>> Mike
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