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Re: [OM] OM Metal Lens Hoods

Subject: Re: [OM] OM Metal Lens Hoods
From: "Daniel Sepke" <daniel.sepke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:39:45 -0500

The official 24mm metal hood is a thread on design that I personally never
really get on with, I much prefer clamp on hoods. Someone, I forget who, a
few years back recommended a Konica model as shown here:



The second link is the hood on its own and is perhaps a bit high priced but
should give you an idea on the type to look out for.

Over the years I have picked one up of these hoods up and found them to be
an excellent fit as is for the 35mm f2.0. The chap who tipped me to the
Konica hood was actually looking for a clamp on for a 21mm f2 and modified
his to prevent vignetting by making some petal hood style cuts at the
corners. So if you are handy and looking for a clamp on style hood this may
be the solution you have been looking for. If you do modify it for the 24mm
you may not need to remove much material. Ask Moose for his patented hood
vignetting test method :) .

Dan S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dawid Loubser
Subject: [OM] OM Metal Lens Hoods

After having received the very nice-looking Lizard-skin OM-1MD I  
bought from Jim Couch the other day, I for the first time was exposed  
to the Olympus Metal lens hood for 50mm lenses. Wow, what a well-built  
piece of equipment.
P.S. Does anybody know if Olympus ever made a metal lens hood for the  
24/2.0? I'd really love one!

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