Thanks for the link, Mike. If the bright treatment only got 1/2 stop
improvement down to F5.6 then it doesn't help much as I don't have any lens
slower than F5.6 except the Zuiko 500mm.
I believe the split or microprism is not as accurate as the ground glass.
For Canon FF some people offer focusing screen modified from the older Canon
screen with split and microprism, if necessary I believe I can modify one
MF with liveview is slow and the one without rotating LCD is not good to
operate. Holding the camera up at eyelevel with such heavy camera is no fun.
I love the E-3, I did some low angle macros with live view and the 90/2, it
worked very well.
----- Original Message -----
From: <Mike>
> Thought you might find this of interest. I would bet some brighter 3rd
> party screens with a microprism will appear if they have not already.
> The Brightscreen make has had mixed reviews. Too bad Katzeye has no
> plans to make one, though they solved the technical issues, it was not
> economical to produce. I take it Live view is too slow for many
> applications?
> Mike
> --
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