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[OM] OT - question re anti-virus program

Subject: [OM] OT - question re anti-virus program
From: John Hudson <OM4T@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 10:29:27 -0400
Please excuse this OT question but I am sure somebody will have a quick and 
short answer.

Does the McAfee anti-virus / utility / anti-spam package have a reputation 
for slowing down one's computer when being run in "background and always 
alert" mode? On the assumption that all such software causes some degree of 
slowdown is McAfee worse than the competition?

Our daughter has recently taken out a 30 day subscription to the McAfee 
package and tells me that her computer has really started to slow down 
making her feel that McAfee is churning in the background and slowing up the 


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