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Re: [OM] I am the weirdest

Subject: Re: [OM] I am the weirdest
From: "Ken Norton" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2008 15:46:55 -0600
> Last night, after a long day which included getting together with another
> photographer (Olympus IS-3, grip, etc),....

Sorry, I meant to type that this other photographer had a fully-equipped E-3
system.  We groused about certain design aspects of that camera.  But then
later in the day I came to my own conclusion that for as bad as some
ergonomic choices of the E-3 are, they pale in comparison to some of the
leading cameras on the market today.

Frankly, if Olympus didn't exist and I was looking for a new camera system
right now, I'm not sure what I'd buy.

And for those who THINK that the entire E-system has dinky finders, I dare
suggest that the E-3's focus screen is essentially as large as the D700 or
5D and actually easier on the eyes.

But, as the rest of the world has concluded--none of this matters.

AG (lone voice in the wilderness) Schnozz

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