Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> It's been many years since I've actually used a T32 on-camera. When I did I
> alwyas used it with an OM-2Sp and in TTL mode or my OM-1 in auto mode (I
> didn't know any different back then).
What's to know? I got many prized snaps of family events, etc. with
OM-2n and T32 in Auto TTL mode. A very fine combo that spoiled me. I
didn't even know I was spoiled until I tried other things.
> ....
> I've grown attached to my Canyon 540EZ for that sort of usage because it has
> a built-in distance calculator bar graph when in manual mode which does all
> the guide number calculations. The flash communicates with the camera and
> knows the ISO setting and the focal length and shooting aperture of the lens
> in use. If allowed to do so it will also zoom the flash head to suit the
> lens. When it does all of this it also displays the f/stop in use and a
> distance scale. Above the distance scale it puts a marker over the distance
> that should be used at that focal
> length, aperture and ISO. You can either position yourself at that distance
> or choose to change the zoom head by changing focal length or change ISO or
> aperture to get the right exposure.
All true, all lovely, and really, really useful for straight ahead,
on-camera use. But ... it's all out the window for bounce or off camera use.
> So, this morning I decided to see what assistance the T32 offers for
> manual guide number calculations. After looking at the calculator panel
> I realized that I wasn't 100% sure about how the distance scale was to
> be used in manual mode. I think it may have been the first time that
> I've ever completely read the T32 manual.
> As it turns out ... I pondered this for a second until it finally dawned on
> me that the solution is to simply lie about the ISO level.
I lied to my XA flash all the time. 200 speed film with the flash set to
400 avoids blown out faces inside at night.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: