CA also found on my 300/4.5 black-nosed on the E-1. With the same scene, the
Zuiko 500/8 was much cleaner.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Norton" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
>> One other issue, at least with my early silver nosed version, is a
>> tendency for severe CA on high contrast edges. And yes, it's also a
>> closet queen. ;-)
> Now that's interesting. I've used maybe three or four of these lenses and
> hadn't seen any pronounced CA on any of them. However, I'm thinking that
> all of them were black-nosed beauties.
> Now what's up with all the closet queens? What other mass collection of
> lenses are gathering dust in the closets of our list-members? I don't
> think
> any of you want be to launch into a rant about wasting perfectly good
> equipment like that.
> Do you?
> I've got a full-blown rant up my sleeve if needed.
> AG-keeping the grease moving-Schnozz
> --
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: