The newer Canyons do and others may as well. Scroll down to
"Taking a Test Image with Canon’s Dust Delete Data function:"
in the link I just posted
I have a Rocket blower and find it to be fairly useless even though
that's always my first pass at cleaning. But there is a much better
second step than wet cleaning. Wet cleaning is only as a last resort
for "welded on" dust and that's rarely necessary.
The first time I cleaned my 5D it was using the wet method with Eclipse
and Pec Pads. The cleaning created more dust spots than I removed and
it took 3 cleanings just to get back to the dust level where I started.
Today I always use the brush method using cheap cosmetic brushes
bought on ebay for about $10/pair including the shipping. My brushes
are about 19mm wide so it takes two passes to sweep the full 24mm
dimension of the sensor. I use both brushes by making a sweep down one
side, bang the brush across a child's table knife to remove dust, turn
the brush over and sweep the other side of the sensor and bang the brush
again. Then I repeat with the second brush before putting both away in
a plastic bag along with the small table knife. If there's anything
left after this treatment I do it again. If that doesn't help it's
something that's welded on and I use the wet method on that specific spot.
Here's the brush method which I heartily recommend.
I recommend downloading and printing the PDF version with the link near
the upper right hand corner. You may need it as a reference while you
work the first time or two. Pay special attention to what's described
as the "filter test" to check the cleanliness of your brushes. Don't
ignore the advice to use hundreds of passes on the filter. As received,
my brushes were wrapped in a cellophane sleeve and looked squeaky clean
to my eye. Nevertheless I put them to the filter test and soon
discovered they weren't clean at all. But a bit of soap and water and
thorough rinsing and drying resolved the problem. The next pass through
the filter test showed the brushes finally to be squeaky clean.
The purveyors of $100 cleaning brushes and anti-static gizmos and FUD
(Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) probably don't like this simple and down
to earth cleaning process one bit. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
AS wrote:
> Dont some dslr camera's give you the ability to dust map right
> through the camera? I bought the Rocket blower thing earlier in the
> year. Thankfully the dry process worked...I did not want to attempt
> the 'wet' process.
> --- On Thu, 11/20/08, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [OM] An amazing
>> discovery... well, to me anyhow To: "Olympus Camera Discussion"
>> <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 3:26
>> PM As a 4/3 shooter, I'm standing on my tongue right now.
>> However, in the spirit of gloat-free conversation, this is a habit
>> that I made when I started shooting with the E-1. Almost EVERY
>> time I shoot something very important I do a stop-downed sky-check.
>> When on a shooting expedition, I do a test a minimum of once per
>> day. But I change lenses so often, that it's just one of those
>> "insurance" things I do. Not that I've ever actually had to dust
>> anything off....
>> This is not unlike checking the light-path in a film-camera looking
>> for stray hairs and dust-bunnies. I check that before any critical
>> assignment (wedding, portrait, event, etc), trips and what-not. I
>> never go beyond five rolls between checks. Yes, I had a stray hair
>> caught in the shutter-path one time. Once burned, you tend to not
>> want to jump onto any stove again.
>> AG --
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