Does anyone have recommendations for a compact digital "point and shoot" ?
I am trying to replace my wife's Canon Powershot. What she would like is -
- A smaller, lighter camera.
- Preferably one that runs on AA batteries or similar. If it has a
custom, rechargeable battery, we would have to be able to buy a spare.
- One without appreciable shutter lag. This is the main fault of her
current camera.
- A zoom lens going to the equivalent of 28mm (on 35mm film) at the wide end.
- A decent viewfinder - or do these cameras not have viewfinders
anymore and just rely on the screen on the back.
- Video recording with sound - or do they all have this.
- Some manual control. The Powershot is quite good for this.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received,
Mike Bloor
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: