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[OM] Re: olympus Digest V5 #126

Subject: [OM] Re: olympus Digest V5 #126
From: Jan Steinman <Jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 20:07:15 -0700
> From: Doug <doug9345@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> My next car will be a diesel if I can find one and am willing to  
> move out of
> really cheap cars.

I don't have a vehicle that cost over $5,000 -- and they're all  
diesels: two Jettas, a Vanagon, a Dodge, and Veggie Van Gogh.

Of course, any two of them are down at any given time... but I'm still  
ahead of the cost of owning just one one new vehicle.

:::: ECONOMIST: a person who, upon encountering an auditorium  
containing 48,000 destitute, unemployed people and Bill Gates, says,  
“On average, I see a room full of millionaires!” ::::
:::: Jan Steinman http://www.EcoReality.org ::::

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