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[OM] Re: OM4t locked up

Subject: [OM] Re: OM4t locked up
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:29:18 -0500
Warning, long.  This is an old collection of notes on jammed cameras 
from Clint, John, Mark and others

Chuck Norcutt
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 17:35:34 -0500
From: clintonr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [OM] -2s Problems

There's a lever in the bottom of the OM-2s that stops the wind after one 
When it gets greasy, it lets the gears turn when the shouldn't, and that 
in "crossed gears" -- gear teeth on one gear catch teeth on another 
where they
shouldn't, and that jams the camera.  Eventually even "jiggling" won't 
work --
only removing the gears to unjam them, and cleaning the lever to prevent
recurrance will solve the problem.

Even though the OM-4/4t/3/3t all have the same mechanism, this seems to be a
problem largely unique to the -2s -- evidentally the -2s factory just 
used too
much grease in the first place.

Dave Bulger wrote:

 > Zuiks,
 > Input would be appreciated.
 > I had my beloved -2s jam up on me a coupla years back -- couldn't advance
 > film, couldn't trip the shutter.  Shutter was closed, mirror was 
down.  This
 > was despite moving the SS to manual, changing batteries, etc.
 > Sent it to JH for a CLA at which time it was fixed & working beautifully.
 > Gave the camera to a friend of mine recently when the exact same 
 > arose.  I noticed a post on the list from someone (Thanks!) re putting a
 > winder on it to see if the winder->camera linkage could be "jiggled" that
 > way.
 > Yup!  It worked.  I now have a correctly functioning -2s to return to 
 > Is this a common thang with -2s's?  I seem to recall something about
 > overwinding.  How does this happen, what can be done to prevent, etc?
 > Thanks!
* Dave

Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 08:42:00 -0400
From: "John Hermanson" <omtech@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [OM] -2s Problems

When I get a 2s/3/4 with sluggish levers, I rebuild them, even if the camera
didn't come in for jamming.  Without cleaning, it will definitely  jam

John  Hermanson

Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 11:32:42 -0400
From: "John Hermanson" <omtech@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [OM] Magical cures for stuck rewind lever?

The levers in the bottom get extra greasy.  They don't snap back fast enough
to lock the wind mechanism after you wind the shutter, so you start to wind
on before you fire the shutter.  "Good" news is the lever assembly that gets
greasy is stamped shut at the factory.  You can drill the stamping out with
a 7/64" drill, disassemble, degrease and  rebuild.
John Hermanson  www.zuiko.com
Camtech, Olympus Sales & Service since 1977
21 South Lane, Huntington NY 11743-4714
631-424-2121 For Free Olympus manuals,
please call 1-800-221-3000
- ----- Original Message -----
From: <Pschings@xxxxxxx>
To: <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <NSURIT@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [OM] Magical cures for stuck rewind lever?

 > In a message dated Fri, 9 Aug 2002 8:29:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,
NSURIT writes:
 > > I have an OM 2S that won't allow me to advance the film or >release the
shutter.  The rewind button you depress to rewind your film appears to be
stuck in the down position, which I'm sure is part of the problem.  Short of
sending this body to the bone yard or in for a CLA, does anyone have any
ideas that might allow me to cock the shutter/release the rewind button.  BB
 > I have an OM-2S doing the same thing. My understanding is that it is
"overwound". Check the archives, I posted this same question a few months
ago. Apparently it's easy to release after removing the bottom cover, but it
will need a CLA or it will keep happening. Mine's going to John H. as soon
as funds are available.
 > Paul Schings

Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 22:09:01 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Dapoz <md@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [OM] Sunday Outing, dead OM-2S :-(

On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 Pschings@xxxxxxx wrote:

Get to the zoo fairly early (9:30) - great, the place is empty. First 
up is the zebras - set up a nice shot of the kids with the zebras in the
background, fire the shutter on the OM-2S. Everything seems normal till 
I try
to advance - the wind lever won't budge, as if it was already advanced.
Hmmmmm. No time to play with it. Rewind the film and shoot the rest of the
morning with the OM-2n, which seems to perform as flawlessly as it looks (I
think I may have to buy this one).

  Anyone have any ideas what's wrong? The take up spool and sprocket move
  freely (the rewind button is down and won't come back up). I tried 
  the winder back on - no luck. The motor runs for a second as if it is
  working, but the shutter doesn't fire and the take up and sprockets don't
  turn. I'll take a look throught the archives when I get some time 
  as I seem to recall something like this, or at least similar, being 
common in
  OM-2S's. I hope the fix is simple!

It's most likely overwound.  To fix it you'll have to remove the gear 
at the bottom of the camera and re-time the gears.  However, even if you do
that, it'll probably jam again since you need to find the cause of the 
The most common cause of overwinding in a 2S is dirty levers.  The little
levers around the bottom of the wind shaft get slow and that allows the
wind shaft to travel too far.  A good flushing with a solvent such as 
fluid or methanol usually cleans it up.

Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 08:29:11 -0400
From: "John Hermanson" <omtech@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [OM] OM-2sp service question

It's common for 2S thru 4Ti to develop overgreasesd wind latches in the
bottom, but the resulting jam up usually doesn't require the body to be in
any special position.  Take the bottom off and see if anything falls out.
John Hermanson  www.zuiko.com
Camtech, Olympus Sales & Service since 1977
21 South Lane, Huntington NY 11743-4714
631-424-2121 For Free Olympus manuals,
please call 1-800-221-3000
- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Norcutt" <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus mail list" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 4:50 PM
Subject: [OM] OM-2sp service question

 > I have a spare OM-2sp that I bought from a listie some long time ago.
 > Since I didn't really need it it sat in a drawer for the first 3 or 4
 > months until I finally decided to run a roll of film through it.  When I
 > was using it I periodically noticed that I had difficulty winding it.
 > The wind lever seemed to be jammed but after fussing about doing random
 > things it would eventually wind on as though nothing happened.  I
 > installed new batteries toward the end of the roll and had no further
 > problems.  I attributed the problem to bad batteries and after removing
 > the batteries for storage put the camera back in the drawer.
 > Now its been back in the drawer again for the past year.  However, I'm
 > seriously contemplating having my original 2sp CLA'd and so I took the
 > other one out again today to try it out and limber it up.  Since it
 > didn't have batteries in it I couldn't resist trying it out on manual
 > 1/60.  It came to life immediately and fired off about six shots OK when
 > all of a sudden I couldn't wind it.  Like before I did a bunch of
 > random, useless things and suddenly it was OK again.  Well, clearly it
 > wasn't batteries since none are required in manual.  To make a long
 > story short, after some experimentation I discovered:
 > If the camera is pointing face down or is upside down the wind lever is
 > locked.  If the camera is pointing face up or face forward the wind
 > lever is free.  What's the prognosis here?  Do I have a loose screw or
 > other part rolling around in the wind gears?  I guess I could pull the
 > bottom plate easily enough but I haven't attempted that yet.
 > Chuck Norcutt
* Woburn, Massachusetts, USA

Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 09:00:01 -0400
From: "John Hermanson" <omtech@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [OM] OM-2sp service question

It should snap back.  You can take that assembly apart but it is riveted
shut.  Take out large screw, drill out stamping with 7/64" drill Only a
LITTLE dripping is needed.  Take all levers out, degrease, rebuild.  Screw
and spacers are self centering.
John Hermanson  www.zuiko.com
Camtech, Olympus Sales & Service since 1977
21 South Lane, Huntington NY 11743-4714
631-424-2121 For Free Olympus manuals,
please call 1-800-221-3000
- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Norcutt" <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus mail list" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [OM] OM-2sp service question

 > I think the "directional aspect is not only unusual but key to this
 > problem.  I removed the bottom cover and checked the levers.  The
 > potentially suspect one is not blazingly quick and perhaps needs
 > cleaning but I don't think it's at all related to this problem.
 > I'll reiterate that with the camera pointing up or forward the wind
 > lever works normally 100% of the time.  With the camera pointed down or
 > upside down the wind lever works 0% of the time.  If the wind lever will
 > not wind simply rotate camera to appropriate position and then it will
 > wind normally provided you first release any pressure on the lever.
 > I also discovered that, if the camera is pointed up, the wind lever will
 > wind normally but the lever will only return half way before it gets
 > blocked by something.  Return camera to facing forward position and wind
 > lever will return the rest of the way.
 > The behavior is as though there's a small pin or screw floating around
 > inside which manages to block a gear or linkgage when it's in the right
 > position.  However, I can't see any such thing with the bottom cover
 > removed which implies something at the top.  Given the additional
 > problem of not being able to fully return the wind lever when the camera
 > is facing up it would seem that perhaps the detent mechanism that holds
 > the wind lever in the half cocked position is somehow involved.  When
 > the wind lever won't return it is in exactly the half cocked position
 > where there is normally only a slight detent.
 > Have I made the first discovery of the "out of control detent mechanism"?
 > Thanks,
 > Chuck Norcutt
* Woburn, Massachusetts, USA

Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 13:09:09 -0500
From: clintonr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [OM] sticky wind lever

Just under the wind levers of the 4/4t/2s/3/3t/et al are two ball 
bearings that
provide the "offset" detent of the wind lever -- the "click" where the wind
lever is held out away from the body a little before it begins winding the
film.  If those balls, or more importantly the frame they sit in (they're
supposed to be stainless -- the frame is steel), get moist, they rust. 
If you
want to try it, you can gently pry off the plastic cap over the top of 
the wind
lever (glue it back with three little dots of contact cement), and 
remove the
screw underneath.  Under the wind lever is a spacer and two ball bearings --
don't loose them!  They're probably a bit corroded -- if so, clean them 
and the
frame they sit in, then put a bit of grease in the holes where they sit 
(a pin
head will do, any kind of bearing grease will do fine, too) and replace.

William Sommerwerck wrote:

 > The wind lever on my black OM-4T is a bit "sticky-rough" at the 
beginning of
 > the wind, while the lever on my champagne OM-4T is smooth.

Given the circumstances (extreme cold) I would also suspect jamming by
overwind -- when the grease on the levers beside the battery chamber gets
thick, they can't operate to stop the wind when they should.  As a result,
the gears "overwind" and jam the shutter.  In this case, though, the meter
will usually operate.  Warming will have no effect -- only disassembly of
the gear train and subsequent removal of the excessive lubrication on those
levers will correct the problem and prevent a repeat performance.

Another possibility (though not usually related to cold) would be if the MD
switch (unlike other OM's, it's located beneath the mirror) hung up the
inertia retard that slows the mirror lifting to provide time for the program
mechanism to operate.  This is another malady that would need professional
attention for a reliable solution.

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Too much grease, thickening of grease on the latches next to the battery box
in the 2S, 3, 3Ti, 4, 4T, 4Ti.  The latches should be snappy and completely
bone dry, so as the wind stack comes around after a complete wind cycle,
they snap into the stop hole and prevent a second partial wind cycle.  The
first wind gear catches the second gear at the wrong start point,, as you
continued to wind, they get to a point where they can't turn anymore.
Bingo, wind mech jammed.
John Hermanson  www.zuiko.com
mail:  omtech@xxxxxxxxx
Camtech Photo Services, Inc.
21 South Lane, Huntington NY 11743-4714
631-424-2121  Turnaround 5-7 weeks


Richard Smith wrote:
> I've been using a Canon 20D a lot for the past 3 years, and have 
> neglected the OM4t except for backpacking trips.  Yesterday I got out 
> the Olympus to use up some of the film that's been  in the cooler.  I 
> loaded and advanced the film, and the shutter locked up.  I removed the 
> film and tried everything I know of and still can't get the shutter to 
> operate correctly.  I think the batteries are OK.  Any ideas? Thanks.
> Dick Smith
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