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[OM] Re: Christmas camera wish list

Subject: [OM] Re: Christmas camera wish list
From: "Bill Pearce" <bs.pearce@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 15:14:33 -0600
> This is why I will buy only a camera with an optical viewfinder, like
> all the Canyons.
Well, sort of. I just got a Canon IS850. A friend got one, and I was 
impressed-  28-105, real opical stabilization, decent image quality, etc. 
When I decided to make the move, I found that the 850 had been superceeded 
by the 870.

Guess what it doesn't have. You win the prize, it's the optical finder. 
Although the one on the 850 is little more that a piece of soda straw with a 
piece of clear plastic at each end, it does allow you to add additional 
stability by holding the camera against your head, instead of cantilevering 
it at arm's length. The 870? You're shaking in time with the IS.

I presume this is a cost saving measure along with some resignation in 
accepting what has become the norm.

Bill Pearce 

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