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[OM] Re: BLM Battery Covers

Subject: [OM] Re: BLM Battery Covers
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 02:33:57 -0700
Dan Mitchell wrote:
> I'm curious -- why? The contacts on blm-1's are recessed enough that 
> you'd have to be very unlucky to get something touching both positive 
> and negative at the same time to cause a problem, even if you were 
> storing them loose in a bag with your paperclip collection or something.
>   What am I missing here?
Obsessive compulsive tendencies?

The tendency to fear all possible bad outcomes, no matter remote? I tend 
to think of this as a disease of contemporary Western culture, but I 
suspect it is broader than that. Possibly a left-over from evolution 
that's inappropriate to contemporary times in many parts of the world. 
Useful survival mechanism in others still, unfortunately.

Common sense? The useful question "What's the worst that can happen?" 
has often kept me from excessive concern and behavior. In this case, 
shorting an LI-ion battery is not as minor as many other things, they 
can be quite nasty, fire, explosion, that sort of thing.

Shoot, I don't know. :-)

The question in my mind was more mundane. Why would one need more 
covers? I have two DSLRs that use the same battery and two spares. All 
four batteries came with covers. One battery resides in each camera all 
the time. So, far from needing more covers, I have more than I really 
need. Of course, mine aren't Olys...........


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