Andrew and Christos..
forgive the intrusion, I havent been following the thread but Christos
statement of living outside the state caught my sleepy eyes.
Robert Menard officially is persona non grata as far as the "state" is
concerned, formally titled freeman-on-the-land, he is subject to neither state
control and manipulation or their laws and statutes. he's an amazing fellow,
living in peace, and taking on the Law and Courts in the process, and kicking
their butts everywhere he walks. His latest is being able to have a "lawful
excuse" (according to the criminal code of Canada!) enabling him to trod over
the Legal Society and the laws of the Corporation of the Government of Canada.
Plain and simple, he opted out of his citizenship, remains in Canada and has
immunity from the laws of a Society he has no connection to. he asks questions
like... can you name your society?, accountants have one, lawyers have one.. if
we are members of a society, what is that societies name? we are not members of
a society unless we VOLUNTARILY ACCEPT to be members and agree to abide by
their statutes, rules and tax codes...
I use my E-500 to take pictures of him when he is here in town..., for
free...for publicity purposes.
I'm paying close attention to him, I intend to follow once he has paved the way
through the legalistic cult worshippers. Many hundreds of people I have spoken
to are also prepared to file papers to this effect.
Cheers.. Timothy-Keith: Randles
I'm running away to join a different circus
----- Original Message ----
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 3:56:22 PM
Subject: [OM] Re: Anarchy [was: Re: #232]
It's virtually impossible to achieve total dislocation of course. I
know a commune near here based on a ridgetop farm of 600 hectares.
The co-op established five villages on it, each with a different
character. The first is the farmers, the second the alt. energy
people, the third are the crafts people, the fourth the artists and
the fifth are the 'faerie-folk'. They used a little-know 'hamlet-
development' clause in planning permits. The original farmhouse is
used as a community centre and accommodation for visitors and those
still building. They are as self-sufficient as they can be though
many of them work off the mountain and so bring in income.
When the State Electricity Commission decided to run a small
powerline over their land (and offered them grid connection) they
fought it. The Commission was quite non-plussed as they were used to
people welcoming connection with open arms. For them it was an
intrusion that went against all their principles and it was a fairly
vigorous fight. They lost, of course, but they still aren't connected
to the grid, some twenty years later. The organisation of the fight
was amusing with the farmers at one end wanting to use gelignite on
the powerlines and the more New Age types opting for pole sitting and
theatric events. God knows how they ever achieve consensus on anything!
Andrew Fildes
On 23/07/2007, at 9:33 PM, Christos Stavrou wrote:
> By the way, does anyone know an example of someone trying to live
> outside the State, (I mean the modern centalised western institution),
> and having surived? Or just any examples of someone trying to do that?
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