> That's fabulous. 31 is in the "can" so now I can start thinking
> of something suitable for Walt. I'm headed to the mountains of NC Friday
> and I know they were a favorite of Walt's, so that may be the ticket.
Sounds like an excellent idea!
I think the theme abstract should be something to the effect that the
pictures should be in honour of Walt, or somehow reminiscent of him, his
hobbies, his style, etc.
Or perhaps someone else has some other suggestion?
> Regarding what lead to their demise I can only speculate. If
> memory serves me correctly Walt's wife passed away in her sleep in the
> car while returning from their last trip to the Smokey Mountains. Walt
> described no pain or distress so she likely died of Sudden Cardiac Death
> which is basically a fatal arhythmia of the heart.
Bizarre. I can only imagine the shock that must have caused to him
> Walt...I don't know.
> In his last posting he complained of feeling "under the weather",
> vertigo and lack of appetite. Even if he had advanced cancer his rapid
> demise leads me to believe he may have developed a systemic infection
> perhaps on top of an underlying condition (such as cancer). Walt was a
> heavy smoker for many years and although he quit in 1995, the badness
> never really goes away despite what the American Cancer Society will
> tell you.
A few years ago one of my best friends passed away of pancreas cancer (at
the age of 34). On August 23rd 2001 he (and his family) were present at our
wedding and seemed to be fine (though in retrospect he looked a bit tired in
the pictures), in September we went over to their place for dinner, still
seemingly fine, on November 12th (his birthday) he told me he was having all
sorts of weird stomach aches and he had gone to the hospital for
investigations, a week later they called with the diagnosis that it was
cancer and that he was terminal. He passed away on Christmas eve, 2001, only
some 4 days after the birth of their second child. A horrible story, of
which I still have a hard time getting to terms with...
Indeed, with some forms of cancer matters can go very quickly, and it can
come very unannounced, other than simply feeling tired, which one often
blames on stress...
Perhaps something similar happened to Walt, though the fact that people were
counting on him being able to make a full recovery, in combination with
mention of liver disfunction, etc., does make me think he mainly suffered
from some bacterial or viral infection, rather than a terminal form of
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