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[OM] Re: Natalia's affection:)

Subject: [OM] Re: Natalia's affection:)
From: Ali Shah <farali@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 22:16:53 -0500

You can pick up inexpensive russian lenses for the C/V (easy way to 
spell it)...which make great practice lenses. I had a Bessa R at one 
time but the lenses were just too costly at that point. Perhaps one of 
these I'll go back but for now...I am quite happy with my OM/Zuiko stuff.

- Ali

Natalia wrote:

>From: Jeff Keller 
>Natalia, it seems your affair with OM's was pretty short.  Dare I ask the
>identity of your new affection?
>Hey, Jeff. 
>My new affection is toward rangefinders....But I pulled the plug on my OM-4
>auction at the last moment. I kept having second thoughts. Now I a
>Voigtlander (gosh, it took me a couple of days to learn to spell this
>correctly) Bessa R2A body.  Lenses for Bessa will have to wait for now.
>Looks like I'll be around;)
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