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[OM] Re: Slighty OT: Leitz projector lens

Subject: [OM] Re: Slighty OT: Leitz projector lens
From: Mark Dapoz <md@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 23:56:31 -0500 (EST)
On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, Winsor Crosby wrote:
> If I can add my two cents. A couple of years ago when this discussion 
> was going hot and heavy Gary Reese produced a test slide for a slide 
> projector. I was quite disappointed in the performance of my Leitz 
> projector with the Colorplan 90 flat field lens. I remounted the slide 
> in a glass slide mount and found that I could determine no difference 
> in performance. 

Way back then I did some tests of various Leitz/Leica lenses using Gary's
slide.  Here are the results I got:

                        centre                  corner
90mm Super Colorplan    2.2 (90.2 lp/mm)        1.8 (73.8 lp/mm)
90mm Colorplan (old)    2.2 (90.2 lp/mm)        1.4 (57.4 lp/mm)
80mm Hector             1.6 (65.6 lp/mm)        1.0 (41.0 lp/mm)

The Colorplan was the older first generation one, not the current generation.
What I found made the most difference was the projector, not the lens.  There's
a world of difference when viewing a slide projected by a P2002 vs a P150,
even though they may both have a Super Colorplan lens mounted.  The P2002
provides a far more pleasing and balanced image.  The projector is much more
than just a source of light.

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