C.H.Ling wrote:
>One important point about other lenses on C*non is you have to use manual
>stop down, which make focusing more difficult and slow down the operation.
>If I have N*kon glasses I will sure choose N*kno DSLR instead of C*non, even
>the low end body like D70/100 support auto stop down.
True for AF lenses. They may auto stop down, but they won't meter - at
all - with MF lenses. With Nikkor "non-cpu" lenses, Can*n actually
provides better functionality than the non-pro Nik*ns, as listed in Q1
From the Nikon Knowledge base:
Question: Can I use an old Nikkor lens on a newer camera such as the
D70 or F100?
Answer: If the lens is an "AI" or "AIS" (most any lens made after
1977) it will mount on all newer Nikon cameras.
With cameras like the D1, D1X, D1H, D2H, F5, F100, and N90s, the use of
older lenses permit Manual or Aperture Priority automatic exposure
control with center weighted or spot metering.
With cameras like the D100, D70, N80, N75, N65, and N55 the light meter
will not function and the camera must be used in the Manual mode with
external exposure metering.
Question: What lenses can I use with the D100 or D70?
Answer: The D100 and D70 have a standard "F" type Nikon lens mount,
the same lens mount Nikon has used in practically every SLR we have ever
Best performance and functionality will be achieved when "D" or "G" type
CPU lenses ("G" lenses have no aperture ring and are marked as "G".) are
used, but many other Nikon lenses and accessories can be used.
In general, any Nikon Autofocus lens will work fine on these cameras.
Most older, manual focus, lenses can be mounted, but the camera's
internal exposure meter will not work. For specific compatibility see
the chart below
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