A spam mail to me elicits an immediate complaint to postmaster at the
originating domain, intermediate domains (especially if the originator looks
bogus or captive) and the reply-to domain.
I get very little spam.
If you want to fight it, you have to do some of the work.
> From: "Wayne Harridge" <wayneharridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 18:56:11 +1100
>> Seems to me the real long-term solution to spam is to not
>> ever respond. If it were a total waste of time, eventually
>> the spammers would get tired or burnt out on sending 100
>> million messages and getting -no- takers on their bogus
>> offers and scummy deals.
> Very bloody long term solution ! How many SPAMmers are there ? You
> think they care if 99.99% don't respond, hasn't worked for me over the
> last 5 years, SPAM increasing all the time and I never respond to SPAM
> messages.
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