The mountainous terrain along the Pakistan/Afghanistan border is great for
photography, climbing, and hiding. Finding one man who has supporters as
dedicated as Bin Laden's can be very difficult. Some think he is now in
storage waiting for the right moment for the announcement. That would be
extremely tacky and I hope it's not true. /jmac
>From Larry:
What reeeely scares me is that Bush might be manipulating the hunt for Bin
Laden (which his inept leadership of our vastly technologically advanced
military has already
taken too long to capture this simple man), and even if captured sooner,
might actually
attempt to have it vastly reported just about the correct time close enough
to the election
where the ignorant will actually be impressed with him and VOTE FOR HIM!
Ridiculous since it
has taken waaaay to long to ever be considered a success. Just a failure
that would finally be
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