1. Only keep one SLR system. In your case, I see no reason to continue to
invest in two brands. I'd sell the Nikon stuff (excepting sentimental issues),
not for a less reason than Olympus and Leica lenses focus and mount on the body
in the same directions.
2. For a vacation, I'd take an SLR unless you're very comfortable with the MP.
However, I went to Ireland with an M7, 21/4 Voigtlander, 35/2 Summicron, and
90/2.8 Elmarit, T-20 flash, Leica Polarizer, + film and never wanted for
another lens 99% of the time. The polarizer was important, for me, for the
3. Voigtlander lenses are the way to go with Leica bodies for cost control.
Look strongly at the 21/4, 25/4, and 90/2.5 Apo. The 50/2 M-Hexanon (a
Summicron clone) is also alluring at ~$250.
3. The OM-4ti is THE way to go IMO for OM bodies (OM-2s a close second).
Superb metering system, newest electronics, relatively tough body, bright
finder (w/2-series screen). Get the 4ti vs. 4+new-circuts as you can use the
F280 SuperFP flash.
4. How many portraits are you REALLY going to take on a vacation? If it's a
typical vacation IME, you'll shoot travel shots and family get togethers. That
means a wide angle (21 or 24), normalish (35 or 50), and a longer telephoto or
zoom (90ish 35-90, or 70-150, etc.) This means that you could take either the
RF or SLR. As I said before, don't underestimate the importance of a polarizer
for wide-scale scenics. The darned-expensive Leica swing-out polarizer is
$250, or get a "Filterview" for ~$100 + 77mm filter.
5. OM Lenses -
a. 21/3.5 or 24/2.8,
b. forget the 50/1.2 for now, stay with the 50/1.8. Do you REALLY need that
1-1/3 stop? Remember, at f/1.2, the DOF is razor thin,
c. 85/2 and/or 135/3.5 (or f/2.8). The f/3.5's are very cheap.
d. forget the 24 shift unless you're an architectural freak (like Bob), too
expensive, too heavy, too unwieldy.
e. the 35/2 isn't that great, but it's an OK lens. But they're pretty
cheap, as they're not highly respected. It's nowhere near the Summicron above
6. Overall suggestion - buy whatever you are going to use quickly and shoot at
least 5-10 rolls of chromes before you leave to make sure you understand how
they work. Don't bring too much gear, simpler and lighter is MUCH BETTER than
more. If you have fewer gear choices, you'll get more pictures.
This means don't carry both a 35 and a 50, they're too close in FL. Figure
somewhere around 2x between lenses to give signifiantly different perspectives
and prevent you from changing lenses too much. Use your feet where possible.
For Leica/Voigtlander this = something like 21/35/75, 15/24/50/90. For OM's,
21/35/85, 24/50/85, + 135.
7. Oh, don't sell the Leica, you'll regret it.
>Subject: [OM] Camera Quandary - OM vs. N*kon vs L*ica
> From: Rob Harrison <robhar@xxxxxx>
> Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 19:16:27 -0800
> To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxx
>My thoughts are to either...
>-get the 90mm for the Leica and just take that kit.
>-forget about long lenses on the rangefinder, and carry the OM with the
>75-150/4 I just got from Jim Couch for portraits, and use the MP for
>everything else... (and forget about TTL flash in both cases...)
>-take the FG and FE2 with three lenses and SB-15
>-sell most of my Nikon gear (except the FG, which was my dad's), sell
>the Leica kit, and get an OM-4ti, F280 flash, 21/3.5, 24 shift, 35/2,
>50/1.2 and 85/2 to compliment my 50/1/8 and 75-150 zoom, and for the
>trip to Australia, take the OM-1 and OM-4ti, F280, 21/3.5, 35/2, 50/1.2
>and 85/2, and quit thinking so much.
>There, I've said it.
>Thanks for listening.
>-Rob in Seattle
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