I am not sure it is that much of a leap of faith. Look at what has
happened to computing power and memory over the past years. I still
remember when 64K of memory was a lot, and 800K was a lot of storage,
multi megs of storage was almost unthinkable, let alone GIGS! That was
not that long ago. I am sure that today's digital sensors will seem
equally unimpressive in 5 or 10 years time. My guess is that in just a
few years the 4/3 will be considered the 35 mm equivalent format, while
anything bigger will be "medium format" My guess is that soon the real
challenges will not be sensors, but in downsizing other camera
components such as AF motors and sensors, ect.
Jim Couch
Skip Williams wrote:
>I am taking a bit of a leap of faith that the electronics industry will come
>up with a way to make smaller, lower noise pixels over the next few years that
>will enable the 4/3 format to double it's pixel count, which is where I'd
>switch to an E-1 successor body. I wouldn't switch from 6 to 8 MgPxl, that's
>just ridiculous from an investment and a practicality standpoint.
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