I'm trying to get to grips a bit better with exposure. To date I've
largely been letting auto pick the correct exposure with the occasional
compensation set by me for obvious back lit situations, etc. This
generally works very well, so of course I want to meddle with things
and try and do 'better'. Someone here suggested looking over
www.kenrockwell.com, where I found his version of the zone system. This
and presumably any other more 'controlled' exposure technique requires
metering a zone in the scene. Is this completely impossible with the
centre weighted meter in the OM2n? What if there is a substantial area
that can be metered? How big a proportion of what is in the viewfinder
would it need to be to give an accurate reading? Failing this is it
possible to meter off a grey card and adjust?
I know the quick answer is to get a '4 of some description, with spot
metering, but I am wondering what the options are for the 2(n) (not s).
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