OK, C.H., from what you are saying, now I think the "Fine" in the name of the
2-series screens, "Fine Lumi-Micron" is there deliberately to differentiate
from the OM-PC's "bright" Lumi-Micron. That may indeed mean that those screens
have a finer grain. Thanks for your info.
George S.
chling@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> I have seen more than one OM40, their finder condition were very good, they
> are brighter when compared with the 1-13 on OM4, but when compared to the
> 2-series screen, the 2 series screens (both 2-4 and 2-13) are much finer in
> grain and brighter. Try a 50/3.5 or slower lenses on them you will see the
> difference.
> C.H.Ling
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