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Re: [OM] [OT] Creative Spam Query

Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] Creative Spam Query
From: andrew fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 17:06:58 +1100
andrew fildes wrote:

Some of the 'get your meds from us cheap' spam I get contains quite unusual strings of words which I've been collecting as a literary exercise (self published work available soon :)) and I wonder, as one does, what the fundamental purpose of attaching these strings, apart from entertaining those of us who need to get a life.
Any suggestions, O wise ones?

If you include enough random text after your canned message, your
messages won't appear to all be identical, and will slip past many
filters designed to trap spam based on similarity.

Sounds sensible (!) but some of these strings are bizarre - i.e. -
changeling idealized conradina gelt garret baldaquin echidna campagna optime mundus jaywalker vicennial tippybob woodsy body
Where the heck do they harvest a collection like that?
AndrewF (still serenely deranged)

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