In a message dated 10/2/03 2:48:27 PM Central Daylight Time,
jrk_om@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> Bill the most. He has a good selection of Tamrons. I understand the
> appeal of "600/2.8" but the Tamrons might get you there
You are standing on the side of a marsh, the day is either just about to
break or the sun is near disappearing on the horizon, and the water fowl are
feeding in the shallows as the water turns to a blazing red/orange. Your
friend (some version of an Olympus OM) is loaded with Velvia (50 or 100F), you
have your Tamron 400mm and 2X converter firmly attached to a rock steady
Gitzo. The best you can do on shutter speed is too slow, but only by a stop or
two. Perhaps if you could just squeeze an extra 10 minutes out of the day, you
could get the shot you've been waiting far. The setup you are using has been a
trusted friend and has helped to produce some great images, however you are
now being offered a bigger and better deal. A package perhaps half the size
weight of your previous rig, with auto focus and instant feedback on your
results. Then take the 1.4X and attach it and you still have much faster, much
lighter and longer. This equals a stretched day, a stretched reach and a more
stable/lighter unit. It screams 600mm f2.8, yes! It also screams $8,000.
That will be a challenge, however one that could end up being on the radar
screen in the future. So I guess the reason I might want this lens, is the
reason I wanted the Tamron 400mm f4. Bill Barber