Now, Rick. You can't just go along merrily rebuilding the Empire to
suit your desire for creative accounting. Besides, I hardly think
the majority of 'English' speakers in India speak a form of English
any closer to the mother tongue than us Yanks.
Scott Gomez
-----Original Message-----
From: RickM [mailto:zuiko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Subject: Re: [OM] Common language, was Cleaning Old Price Tag Goo Off
Scott said:
Heh. 'English' has been well and truly co-opted by those of us in the
and very well co-opted too, thank you very much, you're doing a wonderful
job with it.... hmmm, glad you pointed that out actually... embedded
market, copyright infringement.... with sco going after linux, maybe it's
time we charged y'all a licensing fee, say a cent per spoken word, two cents
written, could even make it retroactive... ;)
<further wit snipped>
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