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Re: [OM] And Another Thing-aspect ratio.

Subject: Re: [OM] And Another Thing-aspect ratio.
From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 18:21:15 -0700 (PDT)
>Negativity emerging again.  Wife reminded me last night that at
>least half the weddings I'm doing will result in their precious
>photographs being burned five years or less after they're
>delivered.  Divorce rate around here is pretty high.

Yup.  I'm right in that 50ategory.  Divorce knows no bounds
when it comes to economics, religion or background.

For two weddings I rushed the reprints because I was afraid that
the marriage wasn't going to last long enough.  One lasted three
months, the other six.

Another wedding, I wondered if it was going to last beyond the
reception.  "Husband" was hitting (no gentle tap, either) the
"wife" in the vehicle on the way to the reception.  Both were
drunk hours before the wedding itself.  Before the ceremony I
asked her "Why are you doing this?"

But then, there are the successes.  Like the couple that did a
Malaysian-American wedding.  Most beautiful bride I've ever
seen.  Drop-dead gorgeous.  "The Kiss" was their very first kiss
together. They exhibited a dedication to the marriage even
before the marriage that has to be respected.  The wedding
itself was unusual, but extremely well-thought out.  The first
3/4 contained traditional Malaysian elements and traditional
American elements, but then after "The Kiss" it took off into a
whole new element--the likes of which I've never seen before.
They included everyone in the final portion.  And as they
ushered each set of guests out they asked each one to commit to
holding them true to their vows.  Cool.


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