Can I quote you as a 'respected OM source' in all my ebay auctions? I have a
beautiful silvernose 300/4.5 I'm about to sell and surely that would boost the
-------Original Message-------
> From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: RE: [OM] "Silver-nose" 35mm 2.8
> Sent: May 21 2003 09:08:20
> The "Silvernosed" lenses were actually a limited production
> specialty series. These lenses featured a "chromed" filter
> and front edge of the aperture ring.
> They were originally conceived as the preferred match to the
> silver-bodied OM-1 and OM-2, they were quite popular and brought
> a premium price in their day. However, Olympus dropped the
> silvernosed lenses from the product line around the time they
> were bringing out the OM-2S and OM-4, which were black-bodied.
> The Silvernosed lenses also featured a few optical enhancements.
> The 50/1.8 was a loser, but that's because the preferred lens
> was the 50/1.4. The 1.4 was VERY sharp in the center, with
> resolution dropoff at the edges. This was done to enhance not
> only the bokeh, but to make the lens better for portraiture. The
> black-nosed lenses are sharper overall, but lack the center snap
> that the silvernosed lenses had. Several models of the
> silvernosed lenses have never been bettered by later
> designs--the 35/2.8 being one of them.
> Silvernosed lenses feature an advanced coating with aids in
> contrast control. This coating, known as "N-1" brings shadow
> detail up and helps match high-contrast scenes to the film's
> response curves. As films improved, Olympus eventually dropped
> the "N-1" coating. If you shoot B&W, the "N-1"
coating is a
> lifesaver.
> Again, the Silvernosed lenses were the "Premium" line of
> The black-nosed lenses were the "Normal" line. Olympus
> eventually dropped the Premium line due to manufacturing costs
> and the fact that the new OM-2S and OM-4 were black-bodied.
> AG-Schnozz
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-------Original Message-------