Hi Zuiks,
the Russian made preset 8mm and 16mm lenses are available new for
very attractive prices. (16mm ~$105 incl shipping, onEbay, and the 8mm ~$200 on
net) Prices depend a bit on mount supplied with default being Pentax M42.
see for example:
net prices are a bit more:
It appears people find the performance reasonable see:
Writing to the one seller he says that he does not have an OM adapter for these
lenses. Looking at the photographs of the lenses it appears that the adpater
for M42 is similar to a T mount with three radial screws. The other adapters
fit onto the M42 adpaters in some cases, and in others (eg the Nikon) it is
another adapter something like a Tmount. Since the lenses works with Pentax
(~45.6mm register distance) and Nikon (~46.6mm register) it should be possible
to adapt them to work with OM (46mm register). The rear lens element does go
fairly far back beyond flange, so potentially there could be mirror
interference on OM's large mirror, but it looks like it should work. I already
have an OM 16mm which I really like, but would be interested in the 8mm. I
have adapted other preset lenses previously to OM so this looks quite an
attractive proposition compared with the $1200, 8mm OM.
Does anybody have any experience with one of these lenses eg. in Leica screw? I
would be particularly interested in dimensions of the raw lens "mount" with
flange adapter removed. Also is the raw mount a smooth or does it have a screw
like a TMount?
Tim Hughes