Tim wrote:
>I just got "surplussed" this evening. Its not a good feeling at all. I am
feeling a
>little low and I suppose I will now have more time to play with my Zuikos.
>Its not a good time to be working for the airline industry.
Take heart Tim. You are not alone here by a long shot. I was laid off twice
last year. Still looking. I DID need a break, but not quite this long.
Air travel will come back... just not this year. First we have to figure out
how to tell a terrorist from a little old lady. Sea Tac was shut down for a
bit last week because one of the security screeners fell asleep on the job!
(we have the best security folks minimum wage can buy!) My next door
neighbor works United ground support. She expects the axe to fall any day
now. It's truly rough out there. The only plus is that so many folks are
leaving this area that traffic is noticeably improving!
Take a break, take some photos, and assess what you REALLY want to do. When
you are ready, hit the pavement. Keep putting irons in the fire until one of
them gets hot. Remember, the layoff was not about your value as an employee,
it's about lack of consumer confidence, budget problems at every level, lousy
market, fear, more fear, etc. (I could launch into politics with a vengeance,
but I won't). Good luck.