A church key is an opener for bottles to remove a cap on one end and the
other serves to punch a hole in the top of a can so the liquid inside may be
consumed. Many years ago and in another life, when I would purchase a case
of adult beverage the store owner might throw in a "church key" which would
probably be embossed with the brand name of the adult beverage company. Some
examples might be Lone Star, Pearl, Shiner, Falstaff, Schlitz and so on. It
is a flat implement with a bend on either end. One end (for caps) will be
flat across the end. The other end will have a triangular end used for
punching a couple of holes in the top on a properly cooled adult beverage.
I've discovered they can also open non-adult beverages. Hope that helps.
This all started off with a discussion about how to open a roll of 35mm film.
It has been many a year since I've done it, however it seems like we use to
just bang the end that has the spool protruding from it against a hard
surface and that would force open the end so you could remove the film. Did
anyone ever do it that way or is it just my imagination. Bill Barber