In a message dated 8/30/2002 1:46:29 PM Central Standard Time,
Tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> Don't forget the most indispensable part of your kit: a caddy for your
> equipment
I'm just back from Yellowstone and the day and a half I spent there was wet
and wonderful. I should have some film back by Monday or Tuesday. The only
part of the kit I didn't use was the 90mm Tamron and extension tubes. Had I
had a bit more time and a little less humidity they would have been put to
use. This was my first trip to the park and although it was absolute
spectacular, it must be out of this world in the spring time. I would loved
to have had a caddy to carry the kit with tripod down the 328 steps at the
lower falls on the Yellowstone river. Actually it wasn't bad at all going
down . . . coming back up was a real bi%@&h. I hope the images committed to
film are as good as the ones committed to memory. Got to go back when I have
more time. Bill Barber