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[OM] Jumping in the Pool, Headfirst

Subject: [OM] Jumping in the Pool, Headfirst
From: Doggre@xxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 04:03:07 EDT
O.K., we're taking the plunge here.  Gulp.

First scan of a sunset over the 4th of July weekend out on the peninsula.  
About the only modifications I made to this was to use Adobe PhotoDeluxe 
Business Edition "dust" correction, and "sharpen".  Don't know what I'm doing 
yet.  Oh, and I cut off some of the black foreground area at the bottom.  
Scanner is an Epson Perfection 1200U.

I was standing very unsteadily on a log, trying to get "up" to capture as 
much water as possible.  The actual sunset was rather dull, and we were about 
to give up and go over to the campfire for a ('nother) beer, when over a 
period of two or three minutes the sky started to get brighter, and the color 
show began.  I got so excited I could hardly function.  I knew the "magic 
light" wouldn't last long.

Didn't record the aperture, but I seem to recall I had the 35-105 pretty much 
wide open at 1/60th.

That's the w. coast of Vancouver Island, B.C. in the rt. background.

Comments welcome.



P.S.  Why Adobe "PhotoDeluxe Business Edition"?  It came bundled with the 
scanner.  Any comments about that vs. "Photoshop"?
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