Hello all,
I have been saving up a few questions over the last few weeks, and in my
usual style, I have grouped them all up into one large message. Here goes:
1.. I have recently purchased 500 sheets of Kodak Professional B&W RC paper
(for $50!![that is Canadian money too!]). I will undoubtedly not be able to
use this much paper within a short time span, so how do I store it? Will
keeping it in a fridge be best, or can it just stay at room temperature?
2.. The paper I bought, and the paper we have at school, is multi-contrast.
How and what type of filters do I use to change the grade of the paper?
Following this, there is a red swinging filter on my(the school's) enlarger. I
have read that this is for final composition and placement of the paper before
exposure so that you can see the image. I once tried exposing paper with the
filter in place, and with a 2 min exposure and 1 min development I still had a
faint greyish image. Is this what this filter is for? Is it okay to use
regularly, will it produce any adverse effects?
3.. In case you forgot, I have an OM-1n that I bought at a camera shop in
Toronto. I am not sure whether or not it has a newer type battery or one of
the older ones. I tried to open the battery cover but the screw-driver (a wide
one too) kept slipping. I do not want to damage the battery cover, so how
would I find out if my camera has a new or old battery? I noticed there was a
small hole on the batt. cover too, is there a special tool for taking it off?
I have thought about sending it in for a CLA but seeing as how it would cost so
much I'm not sure that it would be worth it. Is a CLA that important? Should
it be done?
4.. I will be going to Europe this May (14th to 25th) with my school, and as
you can imagine I plan on taking a few pictures. We will be flying to Toronto
then TO to Switzerland and then by train/bus to Italy and then France. I'm
sure things might change from now to then, but I was wondering if I will really
"need" or have use for any equipment other than I already have. I have an
OM-1n(not sure if CLAed or new batt), Zuiko 50 1.8, 28 3.5, 200 4, Sigma 135
2.8, 49mm #25? Red, 49mm 80B, Cable release, Lowepro Nova 2 Bag, Vivitar 2800
Flash (more on this later), Eyecup 1 (not in my possession yet), hoods for the
28 and the 50, and a Velbon Sherpa 250? Tripod, plus a few odds and ends. So,
other than some macro tubes and a slide projector which I am frantically
searching for (Anybody got some???), will I need or have use for anything else?
5.. My Flash. I don't like it. Its too small for anything I want to do, and
it has an auto-off "feature" which has ruined more than one picture. I would
like to get something that I could set-up off camera, possibly on a grip with a
little more power than what is currently available. I am trying to look around
but there is too much for me to choose from. The next time I have a chance I
plan on going to a bunch of second-hand stores and looking for something that
fits my criteria. What should I be looking for? I have no idea what would be
good or bad. I need help!
6.. My final question: A light meter. I have been also wanting one of
these, and again, searching frantically with no luck. I will look when I go to
the second hand stores, but in this small town I doubt i'll find anything that
was built later than the 50's. I want it to be able to get an exposure off a
certain item instead of a center-weighted reading (from the 1n). I would like
it to double as a flash meter for future use as well. What should I be looking
for? I need help again!
Thank-you in advance for any light (hehe, photography pun) you can shed on
any/all of my "problems".
Josh Lohuis
( I will ask how often we clean our printer lenses tomorow night as I am