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Re: [OM] Taking the plunge into modern printers

Subject: Re: [OM] Taking the plunge into modern printers
From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 13:25:38 -0700 (PDT)
Ok, here I am responding to my own posts...

The S9000, with the matching Canon photopro paper is absolutely
amazing.  One thing that I noticed immediately was that the ink
doesn't shine or matte the surface like I've seen the Epsons and
HPs do. The ink soaks into the coating in such a way that it
leaves the reflectance of the surface alone.

Pixelization is essentially non-existant.  Pretty much figure
that any apparent technology (pixels) is a result of the source
and not the printer.

I printed out a B&W photograph.  The tone was slightly cool, but
the tonal range and overall image looked quite good.  Still no
substitute for the darkroom, but a reasonable alternative. 
Biggest problem I have with digital B&W stems from scanning and
not enough bit-depth--neither are the fault of the printer.

This printer produces better prints than what I get from machine
prints, and has greater resolution and sharpness than what I'm
getting from digital to Fuji Archive at my pro lab.  However, I
always have the option of emailing the scans to the lab for F.A.

So, at this point, I am satisfied.  I've got some learning to do
(like picking up the manual) and some scripts to download for
GIMP.  Time to start really working hard at getting good scans


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