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[OM] Flash for OM-1n

Subject: [OM] Flash for OM-1n
From: "Aaron Ginn" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 06:52:21 -0700
Greetings Zuikoholics!

I've just purchased my first Olympus, a like-new OM-1n off eBay for around 
$100.  I also have a used Zuiko 50mm f/1.8 to go with it.  I bought it for two 
reasons: (1) because I want to get into astro work, and (2) because my Nikon 
N65 just wasn't very much fun to use anymore.

In order to use the OM-1n for general purpose photography, I need a decent 
flash for it.  What would work best on this camera?  I really don't know much 
about external flash in general; on my Nikon, I laways just used the builtin 
flash in Auto mode.  I don't need anything very powerful, just enough for 
snalshots for the time being.  I'd like something that will elimintate, or at 
least greatly reduce, the potential for redeye.  I'd also like it too be 
relatively compact, though that's probably mututally exclusive with the redeye. 
 I'd also like something that I can grow into for more advanced flash later on: 
possibly something that will sit on an off camera mount.  If that's not enough, 
I'd also like to keep it as cheap as possible so the wife doesn't shoot down my 
new foray into Olympus too quickly!

I'm leaning toward a used T20 right now.  Is this the best choice?  What about 
Vivitar?  The T32 is really too much flash for me right now.  Can anyone help 


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