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Re: [OM] Looking for advice on Party Pics

Subject: Re: [OM] Looking for advice on Party Pics
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 16:59:45 EDT
Unless you're taking and selling portraits at the party, I think you may be 
in the 'overkill zone'. Since it's noon time, there'll be window light, so, 
for party pics, I'd just bring along an Olympus XA, or a point and shoot, or 
a point and shoot digital. That OM/BG2/T32/winder rig will alienate you from 
the guests. You'll ALWAYS have that rig in your lap, and people will know you 
as "the photographer" and may not relax when you are near. They may be uneasy 
to have that rig pointed in their faces. A P&S or a simple body with a fast 
135mm lens would be my way to do it, at least with a 135 you can take shots 
from across the room, somewhat surrepticiously even, and not stick an SLR rig 
in their faces.
With the P&S you can at least hide it until you use it. It won't be screaming 
This is just my opinion, I'm sure there'l be others who'll tell you to use 
TWO flashes, and bring extra bodies along, and an assistant.  <g>

George S.

bsandyman@xxxxxxx writes:

I will be going to a party this weekend and intend to 
take pictures. 

My plan right now is to go armed with an OM2n, with a 
BG2 sporting a T32 and driven by a winder2. (Overkill 
perhaps?) I intend to get some 800 speed film for this. 
The nose for this is a Tokina 28-80 F4

Since the party itself is at noon (although indoors), I 
thought I also might try some ambient light pictures 
with a non OM body and a 135 f2.8. I am encouraged to 
give it a try based on some of the concert photos that 
have been talked about here lately. Again I intend to 
use 800 speed film.

Does anyone have comments or suggestions? Is this too 
many cameras to juggle? Does my plan (such as it is) 
have grevious errors?


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