At 09:11 AM 25/04/2002 -0500, Barry Bean wrote:
>On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 07:45:18 -0600, Garth Wood wrote:
>>I've always shot Velvia "as rated" at 50. It's always worked really well for
>>me, and with some rare exceptions (extreme lighting conditions) I've never
>>noticed any systematic underexposure problem.
>I always assumed part of Velvia's saturated color came from it being
>slightly underexposed. Since I like the saturated colors, I shoot it
>at 50, and even underexpose by 1/3 stop when I want to go
Could be, don't know. If so, it's a lot like the old gag where you used to
underexpose Kodachrome by 1/3 stop to increase saturation. I don't think I
*ever* shot Kodachrome "as rated." Liked the extra sat. A lot. Oddly, recent
Kodachrome I've purchased I've shot as rated, and it seems to be fine. Perhaps
my taste in colour palette/saturation is changing as I get older.
Unfortunately, there's no Kodachrome processing done in Canada anymore, so it
all has to be sent to some Ûberlab in the States, and takes forever to return
(last time was a one-month turnaround). :-/