That's not a bad idea for a trunk, but Joshua is talking about doing it to a
van, which I feel is too dangerous, especially for the do-it-yourselfer. What
about those fans that hang onto a top edge of a window and is plugged into
the cigarette lighter, and the window is closed against the fan body, but it
is open like a 1/2" or something, and the fan pulls air in or out while the
vehicle is parked? Has anyone tried one? Seems like it should work.
George S.
Mazda did this exact thing on their top of the line luxury model.
When parked in the sun, solar cells imbedded in the moonroof glass
operated a ventilation fan in the floor of the trunk when the
interior temperature wen above a certain level. It was reputed to
keep it 20 degrees cooler inside.
Winsor Crosby
Long Beach, California