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Re: [OM] International role call - a brief observation

Subject: Re: [OM] International role call - a brief observation
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 09:14:09 EST
Notice how just about ALL of us say the same thing- "My Olympus gear 
acqusition really took a great big jump since I joined the list!"  "I can't 
stop buying Zuiko lenses!"
Well, it seems we should have invited a few Olympus corporation execs to 
join, maybe then they'd have the same enthusiasm we do, and they'd EXPAND the 
Olympus line instead of killing it. 
       just a short rant....now back to your regular program....

George S.
>     Downhill all the way since then, accelerating since October 2000 which 
> was
>     when I first joined the list.  I now have about 6 bodies and a dozen 
> zuiks
>     plus a pile of accessories and some off-brand stuff!
       I've been on the
       list for exactly one year today!  In that time, approximately doubled 
       collection of lenses, sadly seen my number of OM bodies decrease by 
       but happily discovered that I really do need a whole host of lenses 
       I never knew existed before I subscribed.
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