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RE: [OM] Wicked weekend deals...

Subject: RE: [OM] Wicked weekend deals...
From: William Clark <wclark@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 11:55:07 -0500
That policy has been that way for some time.  You are right on the 4 vs. 4T,
I forgot.  That MD1 has been there for a long time.  Sales staff has been
great to me over the years.  Got alot from them.

One sales person said that the owners were musing about getting rid of the
used business.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Cormier [mailto:ronaldcormier@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: March 25, 2002 11:51 AM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [OM] Wicked weekend deals...

The Focus Center was one of the places I visited on my quest for the BG2 & I

saw the 2 cameras you're talking about.  Both looked mint (absolutely 
perfect...), both were black bodies, but they were NOT 4T's, they were only 
4's... and I think they wanted too much for them when used 4T's are selling 
at about that price elsewhere in Ontario.  However, they were 200ff (and 
will be until next weekend), so maybe they were not that bad a buy after all

(about 400CDN even, or ~240USD).  There was also a MD1 for under $100 CDN...

no control pack or charger though... :(  Oddly enough... the sales people 
there told me that although they do accept trades, they will only take them 
for credit against new digital or autofocus SLR's.  they will not take 
trades for other used equipment or medium format gear.  Odd policy, I 

>Seems to be alot of OM stuff at the Focuscenter here in Ottawa.  I saw 2 
>for 499 Canadian ($311 U.S.) each.  One had the camera grip.  The store 
>many are trading their OM stuff in for digital.  Apparently, once the word
>got out that Olympus had trashed the OM line officially, people felt that
>their cameras were worthless.  Pretty silly assumption though.

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