Are you trying to drive up the price on the GSN's now? Really folks, you should
not start collecting them, at least not yet. Let me try out a couple more just
to be sure they are any good. I'm sure you wouldn't like them. Well, they say
Yashica right on the front! You'd be embarassed carrying that wouldn't you?
----- Original Message -----
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: [OM] NUTS
Hey A.G.-
My list is almost the same as yours, and a lot of people I talk to seem to
have a fondness for the Yashica rangefinders. I have a GSN, GT, GTN, and an FC.
The GSN (not this exact one) was my first entry into photography, before that,
my other cameras were just 'snapshooters' .(Brownie, etc.)I wonder if a lot of
us Olympus users also own Yashicas, or is it just that everyone that's into
using/collecting whatever brand of camera has them? They did sell a sh*tload of
George S.