Hey A.G.-
My list is almost the same as yours, and a lot of people I talk to seem to
have a fondness for the Yashica rangefinders. I have a GSN, GT, GTN, and an
FC. The GSN (not this exact one) was my first entry into photography, before
that, my other cameras were just 'snapshooters' .(Brownie, etc.)I wonder if a
lot of us Olympus users also own Yashicas, or is it just that everyone that's
into using/collecting whatever brand of camera has them? They did sell a
sh*tload of them!
George S.
agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx writes:
> Nope, not me. Only two OM bodies and six lenses.
> Not including...
> XA
> IS-3
> A couple of Yashika rangefinders
> Argus C3
> Camcorder...
> AG-Schnozz