> John Hobson wrote:
> Can any of you recommend a good 'beginning photography'
> book to go with an OM camera that I will soon own?
A relatively new book that is small-in-size (that is, easily
stowable in a camera-bag) and I've found to be less "dry" than
some of the others (though I still tend to think the "dry"
material is worthwhile knowledge) while providing much excellent
information, is the "Lonely Planet" book "Travel Photography: a
guide to taking better pictures". Very simple and straightforward
presentation that goes beyond "Travel photography", or rather,
the situations they talk about apply beyond just travel and, I
think, a good intro for beginners without the "big religious
tome" intimidation of some of the bigger books (again, though,
I *do* have several of them too and find them invaluable
Also like "National Geographic Photography Field Guide: Secrets
to Making Great Pictures", though this is not really an "intro"
book (not that it's "advanced" - it's just not an "introduction"
to photography).
Sydney, Oz