In a moment of hubris I bid a low number on the Vivitar lens and won. It has
arrived and is in excellent condition. I don't know if I will be able to get
to like a 1-touch zoom and it is a rather heavy lens. But, it will focus
down to about 3 feet and is fairly fast for an affordable zoom. MC also.
Now the question, does anyone have a 62mm lens cap they will part with? Lens
doesn't have one and of course it should. I also failed to take into account
that none of my filters will fit it. But I seldom use filters so that isn't
a big deal.
Ran off a roll using it on my newly CLA'd, Morgan Sparks clad OM-1. Pics
have to be good with that combination. I'll report on how they look soon.
Anyone have experience with this lens?
Dave Dougherty