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Re: Collectible OM-3 condition-> was [OM] OM-1(n): mechanical orelectro

Subject: Re: Collectible OM-3 condition-> was [OM] OM-1(n): mechanical orelectronic s...
From: ClassicVW@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 19:39:25 EDT
I wrote:

> > I have no idea what an OM-3 will be worth in 20 years, but I sure as hell 
> > ain't buying them up as an investment. See my point? There are many many 
> > better choices for collectors to collect, than OMs!
> > 

T. Clausen replied:

> Somehow, I doubt that financial gain is the purpose of "collectors". I'd
> call anyone buying OM-gear for financial gain an "investor" (which, imo,
> is just as ok), not a collector.

In the context I was using the word- "collector" I did mean 'for financial 
gain'. If you bothered to notice what I was referring to, a previous post in 
this thread, you'd have understood. And also notice I did use the word 
'investment' in my post, so what is your freaking point of your comment, to 
lecture me? Are you really THAT anal?

George S.
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