Welcome Johnny!
You need the TTL Auto Connector Type 4
to replace the Accessory Shoe 4
Next you need the TTL Auto Cord T 0.3m or TTL Auto Cord T 0.6m
to connect from the the TTL Auto Connector Type 4 to the Bounce Grip 2.
Also, you are right: you want the BG2 not the BG1.
Lastly, you need the M. Grip Cord 1
to connect your Winder 2 to the Bounce Grip 2
A couple other things:
All the links are part of Hanz's wonderful e-SIF. Check out the whole site
at: http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/esif/om-sif.htm (now available on CD!!!!)
Also, if you plan on purchasing the BG2 off eBay, try to get one that comes
with a the TTL Auto Cord and M. Grip Cord 1 (the 2 would work too). These
little accessories really begin to add up when purchased alone. One last
thing that you want to try to get with your BG2 is the Grip Strap
(http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/esif/om-sif/casegroup/grip_strap.htm). There
has been some discussion lately about this getting harder and harder to find.